Patches does not have any tools for creating keyframe animations natively yet but this doesn't mean you cannot build animations with it! As it is built on top of the three.js library, it supports all the options in three.js, including boned, keyframe and morph animations.
In this tutorial, illustrator Jeremy Edelblut takes us through his process for importing keyframed animations from Blender.
Along the way, he will look at how to:
- setting up Blender to export to the threejs JSON format
- prepping your model & material for export to Patches
- importing your animation to a Patches project
- importing your material & applying it
He also has some tips on setting things up in Blender to get your models to import properly in Patches.
Here is his published Patches project:
Here are the resources for the tutorial.
- download the assets for the Blender project here
- get the Blender JSON importer from the three.js Github
- download Blender here in case you need it
If you need some help, you can always ask us over on our Slack channel.